Board of Education Seeks Replacement Trustee
Dec 29, 2021 12:00AM ● By Yolo County Office of Education Press ReleaseOutgoing Trustee Matt Taylor was honored by the Yolo County Board of Education with a resolution at his final meeting. Link to photo Pictured (from left to right): Associate Superintendent Maria Arvizu-Espinoza, Trustee Shelton Yip, Vice President Tico Zendejas, Trustee Matt Taylor, President Melissa Moreno, Associate Superintendent Crissy Huey, and County Superintendent Garth Lewis. Trustee Board Vacancy Website Board of Education website (explains role of Board of Education) Current trustees (terms and assigned areas) - including trustee area map
WOODLAND, CA (MPG) - Board of Education Seeks Replacement after Trustee Matt Taylor Resigns Deadline to Apply for Trustee Vacancy Set for February 1 Woodland, CA - Matt Taylor, a West Sacramento resident, announced this week that he is resigning from the Yolo County Board of Education after serving for the past seven years. His resignation is effective Tuesday, December 14.
Taylor has represented Trustee Area 1 since 2014, which covers the majority of West Sacramento, excluding portions of the Broderick and Bryte neighborhoods. He is currently president of the Board.
In an email to County Superintendent Garth Lewis, Taylor resigned from the position stating, “My overly busy schedule and role as a school leader has made it extremely difficult for me to continue serving our students to the best of my ability”.
Taylor is in his second term on the Yolo County Board of Education. He was elected to the Board in November 2014, after beating then-incumbent Xavier Gamez by 332 votes. He was re-elected to a second term in November 2018. The term was set to expire in December 2022.
Taylor is Superintendent of the River Charter Schools, which operates charter schools in West Sacramento and Clarksburg. He is also a commissioner on the State Board of Education’s Advisory Commission on Charter Schools and serves as an adjunct professor in the School of Education at William Jessup University.
During its regular meeting on Tuesday, December 14, the Board recognized Taylor for his long-time service and contributions. He was provided with an honorary resolution from Assemblymember Kevin McCarty.
The Board also determined the trustee vacancy would be filled by appointment. The state’s Education Code states a provisional appointment must be made within 60 days of Taylor’s written notice of resignation.
The application to apply for the open trustee seat is available online at or in-person at the Yolo County Office of Education during regular business hours. Applications must be received by email, in-person, or postal mail by 12:00 p.m. on February 1, 2022.
Interested persons are encouraged to apply for the vacant position and will be eligible to be provisionally appointed to the Board as long as they are 18 years of age or older, a citizen of California, a resident of Trustee Area 1, a registered voter, and free of any disqualification from holding civil office.
The Board is expected to meet in an open session on February 8, 2022, to review the received applications and interview the candidates. The appointment will become effective upon the Board’s approval during the meeting. After the appointment becomes final, the Board member will serve until December 2022, at which time he or she may run for election for a new four-year term in Trustee Area 1.
The Yolo County Board of Education makes decisions regarding the Yolo County Office of Education (YCOE), including approving the annual county office budget and acting as the appeals board for student expulsions, inter-district transfers and charter school petitions. The Board also encourages the involvement of families and communities and is a vehicle for citizen access to communication about YCOE programs and services.
Other members on the Board are President Melissa Moreno, representing Area 2; Vice President Tico Zendejas, representing Area 3; Shelton Yip, representing Area 4; and Carol Souza Cole, representing Area 5.
Information about the vacancy on the Board of Education can be located on the Yolo County Office of Education webpage at