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West Sacramento Sun

California Mortgage Relief Program Available for Financial Hardships

Jul 12, 2022 12:00AM ● By Sacramento County News Release

SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - The California Mortgage Relief Program has announced it will expand eligibility requirements to give more California homeowners a fresh start in their homes after falling behind on housing payments due to financial hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The California Mortgage Relief Program offers financial assistance to eligible homeowners through a one-time-only grant that does not have to be paid back. This means homeowners who have fallen behind on their mortgage or property tax payments due to pandemic-related financial hardships can get caught up.

Homeowners can check to see if they are eligible to apply for the California Mortgage Relief Program by visiting and clicking the “Apply Now” button. Application assistance is available through the program’s Contact Center at 1 (888) 840-2594. 

The CalHFA Homeowner Relief Corporation (CALHRC) is a special-purpose affiliate of the California Housing Finance Agency (CalFHA). CalFHA is an independent state agency that assists low to moderate-income Californians by acting as the state’s affordable housing lender. Through CalHRC, the agency is able to disburse The American Rescue Plan Act’s Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) on behalf of the State of California given its extensive expertise in the mortgage assistance and homeownership space.