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West Sacramento Sun

WSPD Helps Santa with Deliveries

Jan 06, 2023 12:00AM ● By By Michele Townsend

Left to right: WSPD Sergeant Andrea King, Officer Danielle Eriksen, Blue Santa, Officer Maria Perez, Sergeant Robert Brazier, Motor Officer David Asaro, Records Technician Heather Escobar, and Officer Seth Killion prepare for an evening of giving. Photo provided by WSPD

WSPD Helps Santa with Deliveries [2 Images] Click Any Image To Expand

WEST SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - West Sac Police Department held its annual toy drive again this year, allowing them to help more than 200 families with gifts for children. Contributions are made by community members and local businesses. Some businesses collect toys and donations, while some companies donate themselves. Businesses involved included Outcast Customs, Broadway Auto, Amerivet Logistics, River City Fire Equipment, Veterans of All Wars Riders and the West Sacramento Trail Riders Association.

Families signed up for the program in November, so the police had the names and addresses of the families. The children were asked what they wanted for Christmas and the department posted the list on their social media page. Community members donated money or purchased the gifts which were then delivered directly to the police department with the purchaser getting delivery updates. Each child received a piece of warm clothing and two toys this year. Police Department members, volunteers in policing and staff from various City departments wrapped the gifts that were given out to more than 550 youths, amounting to more than 1,650 gifts.

On December 21st, a group from West Sacramento Police, accompanied by Mayor Martha Guerrero, went out with lights and sirens and delivered gifts to just over 100 families, creating lots of smiling faces. The rest of the gifts were picked up from the police station on Thursday and Friday before Christmas.

“It was so cute,” said Mayor Guerrero, “the kids were so happy and running out and hugging the police.” She told the story of delivering gifts to one family and a neighbor child came outside, crying because he also wanted a toy. Mayor Guerrero was heartbroken, until the officer said, “It’s okay, we have some extra toys.” They put some toys in another bag and brought them over to the young boy.

West Sac PD says they are honored to be able to do this for the community each year and plan on continuing to help to make the holidays good for the kids in our town.